Founded in 1869, Robinson Brothers is one of the UK’s largest Indipendent manufactures of fine chemicals and rubber accelerators. Nymco is Robinson Brother’s Italian chemicals distributors.

Robac Technology is the rubber accelerators and polymer chemical division of Robinson Brothers. This business sector focuses specifically on chemicals used in dry and wet rubber applications, plus additional polymer additives. We currently offer a range of nitrosamine safer accelerators. 

Robac Technology products Robac AS100 and Robac Arbestab Z are used as accelerators to produce rubber or latex goods, which comply with the BS EN 71:2016 Safety of Toys Standard and BS EN 12868:2017 Child Use and Care Articles Standard for N-Nitrosamines and N-Nitrosatable substances.

Their recognized brands: Arbestab Z - AS100 - BIDD - Delta PM80 - NBUD - P25 - Robac SRM102 PM60 - SAA30 - SDBC - TBUT - ZBeD/ZBEC - ZDBC - ZDBCX - ZDEC – ZPD.

Since many years Robinson Brother and Nymco are partners and Nymco is appointed as exclusive distributor for Italian country.

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